Iwan Kushka is a musician and storyteller based in Totnes, Devon. Usually he accompanies himself on the mbira (African thumb-piano). This creates the soundscape which underpins the stories. Feedback for his fireside-stories on the river bank : “What a trip… I feel like I’ve been somewhere very far away, yet so familiar…thank you!”
Our storytellers

Olly Hurd-Thomas has been telling stories for over 20 years. He brings a wild, humorous, and heart full presence to his telling, informed by many roots in improvisation and live performance. Familiar to both hall and hearth he loves above all to tell by the fireside, when the night draws close and the deep magic of the world comes calling.

Inez Aponte uses the ancient art of storytelling to transport her audiences to other places and times. With her lyrical voice and embodied performance style she evokes the weird and wonderful, moving with ease from the enchantment of fairies to the blood thirst of warriors.

Clive PiG is a globetrotting storyteller and children's author.
His dynamic delivery of traditional and original tales appeals to young and old, making him a popular performer in the UK and beyond.
This travelling talesman has sung songs on TV in New York City, shared stories in Zaatari refugee camp in Jordan and spouted poetry at Number 10 Downing Street.
Clive is equally at home sharing stories by the fireside with you and your friends or performing on a stage for hundreds of eager ears.
“He doesn’t just tell the story, he lives the story.” - Emma Cordy, Stage Manager, Big Top, Kidz Field, Glastonbury Festival.